If you are considering releasing a tax free cash lump sum then you’ve probably got an idea in mind of how you want to spend it. Some of the most popular reasons for releasing cash include:
Equity release reduces your estate’s value and may affect any means-tested benefits you’re eligible for. With a lifetime mortgage, which is a loan secured against your home, you will still own your home.
The amount you can release depends on your age, how much your house is worth and your health and lifestyle.
Equity release is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), providing protection and security. As an extra safeguard, the Brokers we work with are members of the Equity Release Council (ERC) and recommend ERC apporoved plans. As as result:
You will never owe more than the value of your home once it is sold upon death or after moving into long term care due to their ‘no negative equity’ guarantee
You have the freedom to move to another property with no early repayment charges (subject to provider criteria)
You have the right to remain in your home for as long as you choose
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